Education, employment & training
We have high aspirations for you, you can use this section to find out about the ways that you can stay in education or get into work.
For all ages
- You will have access to a dedicated Connexions adviser who will help you with careers information and advice.
- We will give you information and support you to apply for apprenticeships and other employment opportunities through Think Sandwell and Connexions.
- We will help you get ready for interviews. If you need clothes for interviews we can help you with that too.
- We guarantee an interview for any job in Sandwell Children’s Trust providing you meet the person specification.
- We are working with our partners to develop a Sandwell pledge for Care Leavers.
- We will provide work experience opportunities at Sandwell Children’s Trust.
- You can receive a £1000 per year bursary if you become an apprentice. (Bursary is the name given to a grant that you receive to help you study).
- We will help you celebrate your achievements and successes, and host an annual event for you to share this success with people that are important to you.
- We will support you if you want to do voluntary work or gain work experience.
If you are in Further Education (16-19 years old)
- You can apply for a discretionary learner bursary from the education provider.
- We can support you to buy tools, equipment, clothes or a laptop.
If you are in Higher Education (18-25 years old)
- If you go to university we will give you a £2000 bursary to help with the costs of books, materials and equipment. This will be split across the number of years that the course lasts for.
- We can visit University open days with you or help with your travel costs.
- We will support you to claim the maximum entitlement from Student Finance for tuition fees and a maintenance loan.
- We will help pay your rent when you are on holiday from University.
- Universities also offer bursaries for Care Leavers. You can see which universities offer this by visiting